Aspect Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AnsHelper class for parsing answer strings
ChartChart area for visualizing PE and PEC curves
CmdHelper class for building command strings
GraphGraph for visualizing one PE or PEC curve
GridGrid for data chart
IMcuAnsInterface for MCU serial communication answer
IMcuCmdInterface for MCU serial communication command
LogLogging to console and temporary log file
LogDialogDialog for viewing log of communication with MCU
LogImplInternal logging implementation
MainWindowUnsorted heap of all kind of stuff
McuAnsGeneric base for MCU communication (answer only)
McuCmdBoolGeneric base for commands with boolean answer and optional error string
McuCmdFixedGeneric base for commands with fixed lenght answer
McuCmdQueryUnlimitedGeneric base for querying undelimited strings
McuCmdStdGeneric base for commands with no answer, but '?' error indicator
McuCmdStringGeneric base for commands with string answer (delimited by #)
McuComGeneric base for MCU communication (command and opt. answer)
McuComVoidGeneric base for commands with no answer
McuSerialMCU serial communication handler
MountDialogExperimental GUI for configuring MCU
PecDataData container for PEC table
PecSampleData container for one PEC table entry
SettingsContainer for application settings
SettingsDialogGUI for application settings
SleeperHelper class for sleeping a bit

Generated on Sun Jun 3 16:45:46 2007 for Aspect by  doxygen 1.5.1